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Slowly grinding

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Jan. results
  halflinggenius, Feb 01 2010

Unstructured post today. Turned 21 yesterday, grinded out the last bit of VPP til silverstar, and went on a spiraling downswing. A quick analysis of my losing hands tells me that I am willing to call raises on the flop a bit too easily. Talk about doomswitch :D. I will start over with a clear mind in february. Anyway, graphs:



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No luck today
  halflinggenius, Jan 28 2010

My day:

Was okay, woke up late. Got visited by an old friend randomly, didn't expect him at all. We got some indian food and had a good chat. He's visitng some other guy in SF and will be staying at my place I think.

Hands: - $15.16 - Bad beat! - $17.20 - Incidentally, another bad beat. Also, I think I have to call river here. Calling river does, however, cause my all-in ev to drop massively according to HEM. However a good thing to take away from this is, I identified the villian as having the wrap that he had on the flop. - $16.85 - Talk about actually having the pot odds to draw for a full house. If only whichever player had nut flush stayed in the pot :/. - $6.09 - Surprised I was good here.


1021 hands


Was 4 tabling today. Everytime I had a draw or a set, the exact opposite of what I wanted to happen, happen. Flush when I need straight, straight when I need flush, etc. Also I laid down several hands where the villian was obviously holding a naked flush draw because of the river flush card. Hand histories above should also make it clear how people were hitting their hands against me. Last 100 hands I hit the two JJ sets I posted above and they helped push me back over the breakeven line into profit line.

All in all, I think I persevered okay through the bad parts.


Yay swings.

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  halflinggenius, Jan 26 2010

My day:

Had a presentation at work today, I think it went well. I presented some research that I did like a year ago but took until about a week ago to get published.

Hands: - $30.45 - Don't know what I'm doing here. However, this guy had played back at me every single time I raised (like 6 times before this hand, no other history) so I felt like I had enough of a hand to make a stand. After I make the flop call I think I'm committed to getting it in on turn, especially after I turn the heart. - $6.00 - Getting more comfortable stealing pots from obvious drawing hands. - $25.02 - Possibly bad play by me, but I think I had the pot odds to draw against two obvious made straights. Didn't expect villian to have 3 blockers though.


480 hands


Didn't play much hands, didn't really feel like playing. That big hand I played where I let a subjective read affect objective judgement kind of let me know I should stop. Despite all of this, still ended up. Could have ended up even more. Oh and I got a decent amount of VPP, silverstar here I come!



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